کامپیوتر و شبکه::
گام زمانی
These illegal trading activities are known as trading rings, and are identified by mining the networks extracted from the trading transactions at consecutive time steps.
Events occur exclusively in dynamic networks, and are the discrete time steps at which the social network is substantially different from the preceding and the succeeding networks in the dynamic network sequence.
Event detection aims at finding the time steps at which the change or event has occurred, and then identifying the nodes, edges and/or subgraphs that have con- tributed to the event.
For detecting anomalies in dynamic unattributed networks, only the alterations in structure of the network in subsequent time steps are considered; the attributes associated with nodes or edges are not considered.
The major idea of the algorithms is the decomposition of the tensors into projection matrices, and the modification of the ma- trices at each time step.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران
برق و الکترونیک::
گام زمانی
The Difficulty of Training over Many Time Steps 400
At each time step t (also called a frame), this recurrent neuron receives the inputs x(t) as well as its own output from the previous time step, y(t-1).
At each time step t, every neuron receives both the input vector x(t) and the output vector from the previous time step y(t-1), as shown in Figure 14-2.
Each recurrent neuron has two sets of weights: one for the inputs x(t) and the other for the outputs of the previous time step, y(t-1).
• Y(t) is an m × nneurons matrix containing the layer's outputs at time step t for each instance in the mini-batch (m is the number of instances in the mini-batch and nneurons is the number of neurons).
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران